Pond Shield Epoxy FAQ

What can Pond Shield be applied to?
Pond Shield epoxy coating was designed to adhere to many different surfaces including, cement, concrete, shotcrete, gunnite, cinder block, brick, rock, tile, wood, steel and aluminum, some plastics, fiberglass, and old coatings (as long as they are prepared properly first).

Can I coat my pond liner with Pond Shield?
No. Pond Shield is designed to be applied to any constructed surface like those listed above.

Is Pond Shield fish and plant safe?
Absolutely! We actually send Pond Shield samples out to be tested in the mixed, uncured state to be sure no harm will come to your aquatic life.

How long before I can put water an fish in my pond?
The instructions will tell you to wait for 72 hours. However, if you inspect every bit of your coating the next day and are sure that it is dry and there are no tacky spots anywhere, you can add water and fish.

How does Pond Shield compare to other products available to me?
Pond Shield was specifically designed around the flaws of virtually every other coating available in the pond industry. It is competitively priced and costs not much more than a rubber liner per square foot but offers much more stability. Pond Shield can be applied by you, the home owner and does not require a specialized crew for installation. Pond Shield has been designed strong and flexible to provide you with many years of virtually maintenance free service.

Can Pond Shield be applied over other old coatings?
Yes. However, you should take care to properly prepare the surface prior to applying Pond Shield. Be sure to remove any old coating that is coming off, but the best case scenario is to remove all of the old coating prior to application. It's best not to rely on the failing bond of the old coating. If you find that some of the old coating is still bonding sufficiently, then you should sand the remainder with at least 60-grit sandpaper to give the material tooth.

How many coats do I have to apply?
Well that depends. Pond Shield is thick like grease and can be applied in one 10mil coat. However, you may find it a little too thick for your liking the first time out. If this is the case, you can thin Pond Shield with Denatured Alcohol ONLY (found in places like Home Depot or Lowes) and by 3%-5% to start, but no more than 10%. If you thin Pond Shield out too much you run the risk of washing the pigments (Pond Shield will look semi transparent) and you may have to apply additional coats in order to achieve a 10mil thick over-all thickness.

Can I apply a second coat of Pond Shield over the first?
Yes, but it is not necessary unless you are trying to correct the first coat application. Pond Shield is designed to perform properly at a finished thickness of 10mils. Applying it thicker will not hurt, but will cost more in regards to materials. If you have to touch up and area you can apply Pond Shield over the top of itself with no extra surface preparation within 24 hours of the original application. After that 24 hour period, you should scuff the area being coating to give the material tooth. Keep in mind the 24 hour limit is a suggested time frame. Varying environmental conditions may require that you coat over in less time without sanding.

I applied Pond Shield and my pond still leaks. What is wrong?
Simply put, you missed something. After your initial coating is applied, you need to go back and inspect the entire surface are for flaws in your application. Ares like cracks, crevices, voids, concrete showing through and any similar areas need to be corrected before you call the job finished. Once you have successfully applied a 100% coating to the interior of your pond, it will not leak.

Can I use Pond Shield to waterproof my water garden planters?
Yes. Pond Shield has been designed specifically for ponds and water gardens, but does have a great deal of other uses as well.

Do I have to acid etch my concrete before I apply Pond Shield?
Absolutely. There are two very important reasons for acid etching. First, the muriatic acid will remove and calcium deposits that form as concrete cures. These calcium deposits will fall over time anyway and you do not want to have your coating bonded to them. Finally, acid etching will neutralize the alkaline properties in the surface of the concrete, creating a much better bond.

Can I just spot coat a crack in my pond?
That is not advisable. If you give Pond Shield the very best circumstances in which to work, you'll end up with a coating that will give you years and years of service. You should repair the crack properly and then apply a complete coating over the entire area that will be submerged so that it will work the way it was meant to work.

I am not getting the square footage as advertise on the kit. What is wrong?
Most of the time this can be attributed to the surface condition of the concrete or other substrate you are applying Pond Shield to Rough, uneven areas will eat up material and cause you to be short over-all. Other times it can be related to improper mixing which will result in the coating curing too quickly and becoming unworkable or not removing the coating from the container it was mixed in. being exothermic, Pond Shield will set up a lot faster if mixed incorrectly or left in the same container you mixed it in. It's best to pour it directly into the pond where you will begin work or into a large, flat paint pan of some sort. Finally, the use of incorrect tools will make the application process difficult too. We recommend that you start with a rubber window squeegee or plastic, flexible spreader to apply the coating and then move on to a short nap roller. The end thickness of the coating is much easier to achieve if you use the proper tools. Please read through all of the instructions that came with the kit. If you did not receive instructions, please contact us for a set.

Can you really achieve the square footage as listed without a thinner additive?
The Pond Armor phone consultant reply, "It is a mathematical calculation. The amount of material in a quart and a half kit will cover 60 square feet at 10 mils thickness. Adding ΒΌ cup of denatured alcohol will increase that square footage. The problem is that most people will not even use the wet film thickness gauge to measure the material as they are applying it. If they did, they would have more control over how many square feet they cover. I have literally been on hundreds of jobs as a consultant/trainer and the first thing I almost always hear is "That isn't going to cover 60 square feet." If the surface is smooth, I always make it. Then, of course, comes the amazed look from the home owner of installer when I am finished. It's just a matter of making sure you mix properly and you apply it properly using the gauge as a guide. Does every job get the same coverage? No. Uneven or rough surfaces will add hidden square footage to the job. A classic example would be when I get a call from a customer telling me that he or she has a 10 foot by 6 foot area on a waterfall and they expect the total square footage to be 60 square feet. I am sure it is 10 feet by 6 feet, but with all of the uneven rock formations, if those were laid out flat, I guarantee that they have a lot more square footage."

I have a technical or application question that is not covered in this FAQ. Who do I call?
For technical or application questions, please call phone number (800) 716-1545.

This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 09 April, 2009.

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